Get Involved

Contribute Your Time:
Get Involved with your library by volunteering! You can volunteer with the Robert R. Jones Public Library. Various volunteer opportunities await! Would you like to help out at the Library and get to know us better? There are many tasks that can be done by volunteers:
working with the children’s department - helping with program preparations
shelving books and other materials
decorating for a holiday
The work that our volunteers do is very much appreciated. If you are someone who can work well alone or with others, are 13 years old or older, and have a love for all things library, we welcome you to try us on and see how you fit.
Contribute Materials:
Donations of new books and audiovisual materials are gratefully accepted in limited quantities. All donations are assessed by library staff to determine if they are needed for the Library’s collection. Materials not kept for the Library are added to our "free" shelf. Please note that the Library may not be able to accept most donations due to space considerations. Sorry, we cannot accept items in poor condition, textbooks, and magazines. The Library reserves the right to recycle materials which do not meet our donation guidelines. If required, we may temporarily cease accepting material donations from time to time.
Contribute Monetarily:
The Robert R. Jones Public Library accepts donations in memory of someone who has passed away, in honor of a special occasion (i.e. birthday, anniversary, etc.), or just because.
When making a recommendation for the use of the gift, the following parameters apply:
Library Materials means that the money will be spent on books, DVDs, Blu-Rays, board games, video games or any other type of library material for patron circulation. Please note what type of material and a specific subject of interest of the honoree. Based on the information provided, the Library will use the money to purchase something that suits the collection and serves as a fitting memorial.
If Library Equipment is selected, the donation will be placed in the Equipment Repair and Replacement fund. Money from that fund is used to purchase chairs, computers, office equipment, toys for the Children's Area and more.
If No Preference is selected, the donation will be placed where the Library sees fit which can include programs, material, equipment and more.
If the donation is for the purchase of Library materials (i.e. book, DVD, Blu-Ray etc), a bookplate will be placed in the front of each item with the information as provided on the form.
Gifts and Memorials may be highlighted in the library newsletter, and/or on the library website. If it is preferred that the donation be anonymous, please make a note of that on the form.
The Library sincerely appreciates the receipts of gifts by will for general or specific purposes. All such gifts are tax-deductible.
The Library accepts cash, money orders, or checks for memorial donations. Checks should be made to the Robert R. Jones Public Library.
Mail form and donation to: Robert R. Jones Public Library, 900 1st Street, Coal Valley, IL 61240.
Contribute by Shopping:
The Robert R. Jones Public Library has an Amazon Wishlist. The items in the list have been carefully selected by librarians to be added to the Library’s collection for our patrons to enjoy. If you would like to purchase an item for the Library, please click on the link above and make a selection for purchase. Unless otherwise instructed, Amazon will be send the purchased items directly to the Library.